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J-32 Debug Probe
The J-32 Debug Probe Debugger/Programmer provides affordable, fast and easy debugging and programming for Microchip’s PIC32 and SAM MCU and MPU products. Plus, SEGGER offers free, stand-alone applications to extend J-32 Debug Probe functionality:<p>J-32 Debug Probe is fully integrated into Microchip’s powerful MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment and easy-to-use Integrated Programming Environment. Connecting existing hardware is simple as it keeps the SEGGER J-Link/J-Trace 20-pin debugging connector. J-32 Debug Probe has all the necessary performance and features 32-bit MCU and MPU developers need.<p>The J-32 Debug Probe is supported by these free tools from SEGGER:<p>SystemView (V2.x) provides runtime recording and captures tasks, interrupts, timers, API calls and user events and provides live analysis of captured information. It has minimal system impact and works with all of Microchip’s Arm® Cortex®-M0, M1, M3, M4, M7 and RISC-V based processors.<p>J-Scope application displays runtime data of multiple variables in an oscilloscope format. Simply connect the J-32 Debug Probe to your target, program and start J-Scope. Each variable can be individually manipulated with familiar oscilloscope controls and features. J-Scope also has minimal system impact and works with all of Microchip’s Arm Cortex-M0, M1, M3, M4, M7 and RISC-V based processors.<p>Remote Server allows the J-32 Debug Probe to debug from anywhere in the world. This is especially useful when your software expert needs to resolve development or product issues in another region. Remote Server works on all of Microchip’s 32-bit MCU and MPU products.<p>J-Mem permits direct RAM and Special Function Register (SFR) modifications without a bulky Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Memory can be displayed in an 8-, 16- or 32-bit format and can be exported to a .bin file. J-Mem is compatible with Windows®, macOS® and Linux® operating systems. J-Mem works on all of Microchip’s 32-bit MCU and MPU products.<p>This product is a subset of SEGGER J-Link Base. Please refer to SEGGER’s J-Link Manual for setup and operational information here.<p>Native support is available in MPLAB X IDE v5.25 which is available on the Downloads tab on the MPLAB X IDE product page here.<p>J-32 Debug Probe is the replacement for MPU and SAM developers who previously developed with the SAM-ICE.<p>A list of supported devices is available on SEGGER's website and selecting Microchip as the manufacturer here.
PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Development Kit
The PIC32 Bluetooth® Audio Development Kit provides a comprehensive solution to develop Bluetooth A2DP audio streaming solutions and applications. The board is coupled with two daughter cards: the Bluetooth HCI Radio Daughter Card that demonstrates a low cost Bluetooth implementation and the Audio DAC Daughter Card that demonstrates a high quality 16/24-bit, 32-192 KHz audio conversion/amplification for line or headphones. The kit ships with demo code that enables wireless streaming digital audio from any Bluetooth enabled Smartphone or portable music player or over USB.<p>Daughter cards compatible with PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Development Kit :PIC32 Audio Codec Daughter Card - AK4642EN (AC320100)<p>PIC32 Audio DAC Daughter Board - AK4384VT (AC320032-2)<p>Plug-In Module compatible with PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Development Kit (Only Compatible with BLUE PIMs) :PIC32MZ Audio 144pin - PIM for Bluetooth Audio Development Kit (MA320016)<p>PIC32MX270F256D PIM (MA320013)<p>PIC32MX270F512L PIM (MA320017)<p>Click here for information on PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Suites<p>Click on the below Bluetooth Software & Decode Library to purchase<p>AAC Decode Library Buy it now!<p>PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Software Suite 1 Buy it now!<p>PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Software Suite 2 Buy it now!<p>FOR DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE and Board Support Packages, PLEASE VISIT MPLAB HARMONY SOFTWARE FRAMEWORK
PIC32 USB Starter Kit III
The PIC32 USB starter kit – III provides the user with an easy and cost effective option to experience the USB, mTouch and SPI/I2S functionality of the new PIC32MX3/MX4 microcontrollers. The board comes equipped with everything that is needed including Microchip’s free USB software to develop USB embedded host/device/OTG applications.<p>The PIC32 USB starter kit - III has the same form factor and expansion connector as the PIC32 starter kits enabling it to connect with other PIC32 expansion boards.<p>For the latest demonstration software and Board Support Packages, Please Visit
PIC32 Bluetooth Starter Kit
The PIC32 Bluetooth Starter Kit is a low-cost Bluetooth development platform featuring the PIC32MX270F256D MCU. This kit features a HCI-based Bluetooth radio, pushbuttons, Cree high-output multi-color LED, standard single-color LEDs, accelerometer, temperature sensor and GPIO for rapid development of Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP), USB and General Purpose applications.<p>The Starter kit offers an Android App, Demo code and Bluetooth Serial Port Profile stack for free to get you started.<p>The PIC32 MCU on the Starter kit executes Microchips’ Free Bluetooth SPP stack & Demo Code to perform full-duplex data transmission over the Bluetooth link to showcase:• Color Mixing of Cree High Output Multi Color LED<p>• Temperature Display<p>Daughter cards compatible with PIC32 Bluetooth Starter Kit :PIC32 Audio Codec Daughter Card - AK4642EN (AC320100)<p>PIC32 Audio DAC Daughter Board - AK4384VT (AC320032-2)<p>For more information on the demonstration of the PIC32 Bluetooth Starter Kit please click on the video below<p>PIC32 Bluetooth Starter Kit Demonstration Video<p>To get started quickly, download “PIC32 Bluetooth Starter Kit Quick Start Package” from the Documents below.<p>FOR SOURCE CODE on the Demo and Android Application please see the Software Development Kit (SDK) located in the<p><install-dir>/apps/bluetooth/data_temp_sens_rgb folder within your installation<p>of MPLAB® Harmony, which includes embedded source, Android source, and the Bluetooth<p>binary library and also the Board Support Package (BSPs).<p>The Android App is also available on the Google play<p>PIC32 BTSK Android App on Google play
PIC32 WFI32E Curiosity Board
The PIC32 WFI32E Curiosity Board is an easy-to-use evaluation tool to evaluate the performance of WFI32E01PC Wi-Fi MCU module, which contains the PIC32MZW1, a highly integrated IoT system core supporting smart Wi-Fi functionalities and a premium MCU. The board is a full functional development platform that supports system level prototyping design and IoT cloud connectivity with voice control enablement.<p>There are various types of on-board connecting header for users to build up their applications by connecting to various types of add-on boards such as Microchip’s XPRO boards. Users can also expand its functionality through MikroElectronika mikroBUS™ Click™ adapter boards. The PIC32 WFI32E Curiosity Board has the PICkit On-board (PKOB) debugger based on a PIC24FJ256GB106 USB Microcontroller. Additionally, it supports external debuggers, such as MPLAB REAL ICE, MPLAB ICD 3 by connecting to the ICSPTM header.
PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit II
The PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit II provides the easiest and lowest-cost method to experience 10/100 Ethernet development with PIC32 microcontrollers. Combined with Microchip’s free TCP/IP software, this kit gets your project running quickly. The PIC32 microcontroller has an available CAN 2 0b peripheral and USB host/device/OTG. This starter kit features a socket that can accommodate various 10/100 Ethernet transceiver (RJ-45) PHY Daughter Boards for prototyping and development.<p>Ethernet PHY Daughter Boards compatible with PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit II are listed below<p>LAN8720A PHY Daughter Board (AC320004-3)<p>LAN9303 PHY Switch Daughter Board (AC320004-4)<p>FOR DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE, PLEASE VISIT MPLAB HARMONY SOFTWARE FRAMEWORK
PIC32MX274 XLP Starter Kit
The PIC32MX XLP Starter Kit is a fully integrated 32-bit development platform featuring the high performance PIC32MX274 series MIPS MCU featuring 256KB Flash, 64K of RAM and Full Speed USB in a 72Mhz, very low power device. Software compatible with existing PIC32MX class devices, the PIC32MX274 offers developers an increase in performance at almost half of the run current, enabling longer lasting, more feature rich battery applications.<p>The PIC32MX XLP Board includes an integrated programmer/debugger, and is fully integrated with Microchip’s MPLAB® X IDE. Additionally, the starter kit sports BTLE connectivity, a 9 Axis accelerometer, light sensor and barometric sensor enabling different IoT data logging applications.<p>Each board also provides one MikroBus® expansion socket from MicroElektronika and a Microchip X32 header to enable customers seeking accelerated application prototype development. Boards are fully integrated into PIC32’s powerful software framework, MPLAB ® Harmony that a provides flexible and modular interface to application development , a rich set of inter-operable software stack (Bluetooth, Audio ,USB) and easy to use features.<p>The board offers expansion capabilities making it an excellent choice for a rapid prototyping board in Connectivity, IOT and general purpose applications.
PIC32 Starter Kit
The PIC32 Starter Kit provides the easiest and lowest cost method to experience the PIC32 microcontroller for the first time. From the over 35 source code examples to the getting started project, users quickly learn Microchip's 32-bit family of microcontrollers and development tools. The kit includes everything needed to write, program, debug, and execute code on a high performance PIC32 microcontroller.